Do Return Air Ducts Need to be Sealed?

Return air ducts must be sealed and unobstructed to ensure safety. Learn why it's important to seal return air ducts, how it can save money & improve comfort.

Do Return Air Ducts Need to be Sealed?

Return air ducts must be sealed and unobstructed to ensure the safety of your home and family. Sealing all connections of the duct sections with putty, a specialized rubbery sealant, or metal tape prevents air leaks and “backward air flow”. This is when flue gases, such as carbon monoxide, from gas appliances, such as water heaters, dryers, and ovens, return to the living space instead of being ejected outside. Properly sealing the air ducts can minimize this risk and protect your air conditioning unit from damage, corrosion, or dropping from your appliance. Sealing the air conditioning ducts in both the air conditioning and return pipes can save money and improve the comfort of your home.

It maintains a comfortable living environment throughout the house for you and your family. If the air ducts in your home are not properly and hermetically sealed, the air conditioner may leak to areas of your home where you don't need it. This could result in poor indoor air quality and contaminants entering the ducts through poor quality joints, causing health problems such as asthma or outdoor allergies. When homeowners choose to install a distributed heating and cooling system, it works through an air duct system. You should schedule regular maintenance visits with your local professional and ask about how to reinforce your unit's air ducts.

Aeroseal is a product that is sprayed onto the duct system and adheres to the interior to completely seal the air return ducts.