How Much Does Duct Sealing Services Cost?

Learn about how much professional duct sealing services cost and what factors determine its price. Find out how sealing your air ducts can help your home remain energy efficient.

How Much Does Duct Sealing Services Cost?

In the long term, sealing your air ducts will help your home remain energy efficient, save you money, and provide many other benefits. Treating the cost of sealing air ducts as an investment rather than an expense is a wise decision. Unconditioned air outside the ducts and the air conditioning inside the ducts can mix, reducing the efficiency of your air conditioning system. To prevent this, aluminum adhesive tape and sealing putty can be used to fill in any gaps or holes.

Additionally, insulation can be installed around the ducts to minimize any heat loss in the air surrounding them. If you want to seal the ducts yourself, you can use aluminum adhesive tape and a sealing putty. However, if your ducts have already been sealed and insulated but those measures have worn out, then it will cost more to remove the old insulation, clean the ducts, and install new materials. Older homes can be sealed by evaluating problem areas where there could be air leaks through an energy audit and applying the proper method and technique to seal these areas.

Having ducts properly sealed can also reduce utility and energy costs since the air conditioning system won't have to work as hard. The cost of a duct sealing project depends on several factors such as the size and age of the ducts, the size of your house, the accessibility of the ducts, and how they are currently sealed and insulated. Larger, more difficult to access ducts will take longer to seal properly than easily accessible ducts in a small home. In addition to using aluminum adhesive tape and sealing putty, insulation can be installed around the ducts to minimize any heat loss in the air surrounding them.

Sealing the air ducts with adhesive tape or with a sealant product that can be painted such as Mastic prevents air conditioner from escaping, allowing it to work more efficiently. There are also liquids that can be sprayed into the air ducts which solidify when they come into contact with a solid material (the air duct itself). Having experienced technicians in charge of a project is essential for overcoming any challenges that may arise during a duct sealing project. Asking a professional to seal air ducts will likely save you time and frustration.

The cost of a project will vary depending on factors such as size and age of the ducts, size of your house, accessibility of the ducts, and how they are currently sealed and insulated.